Investors have already invested more than a million euros in our new loan originator's FinJet business loans on hive5. The purpose of…
For the investor to fully trust the financial company, it is necessary to answer legal and regulatory questions. Recognising this…
Nowadays, when there is so much fraud on the internet, deep research on co-founders is the main aspect to consider before investing in any…
In the fast-paced world with numerous publicities, influencing opinions and options available, finding a reliable platform to invest your…
December marked the end of the year and the beginning of expansion into new markets and more ambitious plans for hive5. Last month, we were…
With only a few days left until New Year, we want to express our gratitude to our team, investors and business partners; thank you for…
Soon, we will enter a new year, and our team is very curious to face upcoming opportunities and challenges. Therefore, navigating the…
Our company's most relevant current topic is a new Spanish loan originator, FinJet. Accordingly, we have received some investors' requests…