We recently surveyed our investors to understand the general atmosphere among them, aiming to find out their opinions and investment goals for the future. Today, we would like to share the main insights from the survey.
Portfolio Allocation and Diversification
To find out how much our investors tend to diversify their investment portfolio among different types of investments, we have asked about their current investment distribution. 42% of respondents indicated that P2P lending includes 10% of their overall portfolios. Additionally, 30% of our investors reported allocating more than 30% of their portfolios to P2P lending—an encouraging figure highlighting investors' trust in this investment type. These percentages underscore the importance of P2P lending as a growing part of diversified strategies.
Additionally, it was also clear from the survey that our investors are committed to diversification. Nearly 60% of respondents invest in stocks, making it the most popular asset class besides P2P lending. Real estate follows closely, with 44% of investors allocating funds to this sector, while 34% invest in cryptocurrencies. This spread shows that hive5 investors value a balanced approach, aiming to spread risk while capitalizing on multiple asset classes.
Plans for Future Growth and Satisfaction
One of the most satisfying insights is that 69% of investors plan to increase their P2P investments shortly. With investors planning to increase their portfolios, it's obvious that P2P platforms are seen as valuable for both income and long-term growth potential.
Finally, the responses were overwhelmingly positive regarding the overall opinion towards P2P lending. 22% of participants described their opinion as "very positive," and 63% expressed a "positive" view. Notably, none of the respondents indicated a negative perception of the P2P market. It highlights P2P lending as a reliable and constant choice for their investments.
Thank You
Thank you to everyone who participated in the survey. Your input is invaluable, and it guides us to progress and seek for the best results.