It has been almost four months since the first issued loan of Expres Pozyczka in Poland. The company is led by CEO Wojciech Homan - a real professional with a proven track record in the financial field. Thus, today we would like to share some of his thoughts about the team, the company's recent results and the following plans.
Firstly, tell us briefly about yourself and your work experience.
Before joining Ekspres Pozyczka, I worked at another top-rated consumer lending company in Poland - Provident. Accordingly, I have over 20 years of progressive experience developing offline and online businesses in multinational environments. I studied business management at the University of Economics and graduated MBA diploma at The Polish Open University in Warsaw.
Moreover, I enjoy being a part of a productive team. In my opinion, such a team requires a positive attitude and a strong willingness to work hard on one goal. I could proudly say, luckily, we have such a team in our company.
Which daily task do you enjoy the most?
I have collected the majority experience in sales and business development. Accordingly, I like to negotiate, manage large sales structures, implement business and risk strategies and generally develop business.
Tell us more about the team of Ekspres Pozyczka. Could you introduce some of them?
We have collected a strong team of professionals in consumer lending. The corresponding top or middle-level manager provides each important business process. In particular, the company employs a marketing director, IT manager, collection director, call centre manager, development project manager, and financial manager. I am thrilled to work with passionate, experienced team members, to be exact, 20 of them. One of them is Ewa Dulinicz – Head of Marketing. She was a professional marketing director in media agencies, working on omnichannel communication for agency clients; moreover, she worked at the first fully digital Polish online bank - mBank. She is responsible for marketing strategy with a strong emphasis on digital performance activities at Ekspres Pozyczka. Another critical manager of the team is Adrian Kalinski – Head of Dept Collections. He is a skilled, open-minded, and business-oriented professional with 15+ years of experience in the financial sector. He is a pro in debt collection, pre-court matters, restructuring, customers' debt, selling debt portfolios and cooperation with debt recovery external services.
What is the results of Ekspres Pozyczka? What are the following plans for the company?
The total loan volume since inception seeks 793 255 Eur and total loan volume originated in September seeks 569 198 Eur. By investing in Polish consumers and business loans you can earn up to 15% of annual return.
We are maximalists; although we see the company's numbers growing monthly and feel satisfied with them, we expect the sales to grow even more in the coming months. Hence, our short-term goal is to continue dynamic growth utilizing end-of-year good market conjuncture. We want to achieve our operational and financial targets and build a perfect foundation for the upcoming year.
Recently, we have also noticed that the need for borrowing grows as the heating season approaches. Thus, from recent discussions with investment bloggers and other sophisticated investors, we know that many have currently moved their other asset-class investments to p2p platforms. This movement is reasonable, as economists now unanimously agree on the future rising demand for consumer loans.
Secondly, our long-term goal is to develop a few new financial products to give our customers more tailored financial solutions. We are currently working on a credit line, virtual and plastic cards. It's a flexible loan that consists of a defined amount of money that customers can access as needed and repay immediately or over time. These products will be established by the beginning of 2023.
Could you share some of the main metrics of your average customer?
Sure, here are the main metrics: Gender: 57% female, 43% male.
Residence: 60% from cities with population 0f 50k, 13%+ from villages. Age: the majority of 35-45 years old. Income: up to 1200 Eur. Purpose of the loan: holiday trips, repairment, desired things, paying off other loans, bills.
Tell us about the debt recovery processes at Ekspres Pozyczka.
We start the debt recovery process ten days before the loan's due date. Firstly, the borrower is offered to refinance for the current loan with a payment of interest and commissions accrued over the period of use. Next comes the soft-collection stage. On the 30th day past due, the loan agreement is transferred to the professional debt recovery agencies. Then the debts remaining 60th days past due are sold and written off from the Loan originators' balance. As a result, our Loan originator collects 75% of the overdue amount 5-60 days past due.
It is important to note that Ekspres Pozyzcka strongly focuses on risk mitigation and management. These are Ekspres Pozyczka's everyday priority tasks at the strategic and tactical levels of daily operations. Ekspres Pozyczka is a second-to-none P2P organisation which shall shortly introduce COSO methodology-based enterprise management process within group entities. The company is among the few in the market that have recently implemented a revolutionary AI-based, multisource Big Data scorecard decision engine. It allows not only to filter the fraud but also correctly manage and plan the default and ensure a fast-forward scale of the quality loan portfolio in Poland. Thus, "Ekspres Pozyczka" has implemented a scoring model that includes many factors based on 3,4 mln. samples.
What do you like the most about Ekspres Pozyczka?
It is a fantastic atmosphere. And what is most important, we enjoy what we do. As a result, customers appreciate our quick decision-making, fast implementation of new projects based on high-technology solutions and well-coordinated team.