52% of hive5 investors feel optimistic about the current economic situation

52% of hive5 investors feel optimistic about the current economic situation

The world welcomed this year with a lot of uncertainty: we faced soaring inflation, rising energy prices, a cost-of-living crisis and a fear of a coming recession. However, after four months of 2023, there are signs of a slight increase in optimism, as our survey to investors of hive5 shows. Additionally, the survey data shows what investment trends prevail and whether investing habits are likely to change shortly.

Luckily, many investors see the light at the end of the tunnel as the survey found that 52% of hive5 investors feel optimistic about the current economic situation, which is a very promising majority opinion. However, 19% feel pessimistic, which is understandable as we still face global economic instability, and the rest stay neutral. Despite this, investors keep investing in outplacing inflation and saving money. Thus, 63% of hive5 investors proactively increased diversification to manage their portfolio during recent market volatility. Furthermore, 86% of high net worth investors who invested more than 50 000 Eur increased diversification of investments recently. Hence, this fact shows that most professional investors don't like to keep a lot of unused money in their bank accounts.

It is an indisputable fact that investing on trustworthy P2P platforms could steady investment portfolios in this shaky market. Therefore, 74% of our customers currently choose P2P as the most suitable investment type. On top of that, despite the cost-of-living crisis, 85% of them plan to invest even more to increase their portfolios soon.

Finally, always keep your finger on the pulse of the investment strategy: keep diversifying your portfolio, and choose only trustworthy investment platforms.

By choosing to invest on hive5:

  • You can expect regular income.
  • It is easy to withdraw money quickly if needed.
  • You receive a very attractive return on investment (current average interest rate: 15.31%).
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